Little Bits of Good...Overwhelming the World

I don't know about you, but I often find myself simply going through the mundane routine of each day and wondering what difference I'm making in this world. My heart longs to be the hands and feet of Christ, but I so often get caught up in this thing we call life.  I'm often left feeling like I'm falling short of being the light that I'm called to be.

I watch others abandon their homes to live in third world countries to spread Christ to the nations.  I see individuals set up organizations and create movements that minister to those in times of trouble.  I  watch as others so openly and without hesitation share the love of Christ.  And in those moments I start to doubt myself and what I'm doing to enhance the kingdom of God.

Sometimes, I feel that the work I'm doing seems to be so little in comparison to others.   I start to doubt my faith, my love for Christ, and the desire to truly do what it takes to bring people to Him.  And in those moments, God reminds me that I'm where I'm suppose to be.

My mission field is here.  My mission field is my work, my community, and the individuals I come in contact with on a daily basis.  I don't have to pack my bags and travel across the world to spread the word of God.  I can do that here and I need to do that here.  I am called in the here and now to proclaim His name to those I meet.  My words and actions are to radiate His love and the gift He has given.  I'm called to be bold in my faith, pray and share with those around me.  The normal routine of life is our greatest mission field.

I can't say if I will ever go overseas on a mission trip or start up a ministry that impacts those in the name of Christ, but I know right now, God has placed me here.  To be His hands and feet does not mean I have to leave home.  Everyday we can do radical things in His name.  We are called to show his love everyday, everywhere we go.

Desmond Tutu said it best when he said, "Do your little bit of good where you are.  It's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." I'm going to continue to do my good here in South Central Kentucky until God calls me on to other places.  Challenge yourself to do your 'good' where you have been planted, instead of comparing your ministry to that of others.  God placed you where you are for a reason.


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