Dear Teenage Self

This post is for all those teenagers out there...

With my birthday one day away, I have been very reflected lately.  I'm getting ready to turn 27.  Though at the age of 27, I am no were near wise, I do have a better understanding of life.  These are some of the things I wish I had a better understanding of ten years ago.  Hopefully, what God has taught me these past ten years, will in return help someone else along their journey.

Dear Teenage Self,

You're 17.  Freedom arrived in the form of a plastic card and a pair of car keys last year.  You just graduated from high school and your current worry is signing up for your first semester of college.  You have a group of friends that keep you laughing and most Friday nights are spent hanging out at the local IGA parking lot.  As you already know, small town life is interesting and dull all at the same time.  Regardless, you love the little bubble you live in and as you have prepared for the final days of high school and with the adventure of college and the real world in your future, you are both excited and nervous.

17 years old and with the future to look forward to.  17 year old self, this is what I want you to know:

You will make mistakes.  You are human and no matter what you can never fully escape sin.  You will do things that you regret.  In some of your lowest moments, you will find yourself going against what you have always believed and in the end it will wreck you.  You will feel worthless and unworthy.  But it is in those moments, you will be able to better understand God's grace.  Those moments will be part of your story and you will learn from them and grow.

Life is harder than you think.  You thought passing Honors Chemistry and Calculus with an A was difficult, well life is harder.  You will be challenged, pushed, and pulled.  You will fail, situations will look hopeless, and times will be tough.  Know that life is hard.  Be ready to work hard and don't be afraid to accept the challenge.  Find a support system, take time to talk to God, and rest assured that hard work is not overlooked and does pay off.

God will see you through.  There will be times in your life when you are challenged.  You will feel unsteady and confused.  Remember that God will always know your heart.  He will never leave you, even if you are a huge mess.  Things won't make sense, you will hate it, you will cry, and at times you will want to give up.  But know that God is good and His plan is greater than anything you could ever imagine for your life.

Things will get better.  One day you will learn to embrace your corky self.  You will forget what others say and find confidence in who you are.  What once looked like flaws, will start to look like beauty and acceptance.  You will find friends that complete you, understanding you, and stick with you.  You will discover your calling and though it is scary at times, you will do whatever it takes to fulfill it.  Things will get better.  Don't sell yourself short, do what you love and become who you want to be.

The first guy you date, probably won't be the one you marry.  In fact, you will probably look back on that relationship and start to wonder what you were thinking at that time.  Don't assume that the first guy that comes along is the one.  It is okay to be picky.  In your times of singleness, allow God to speak truths into your heart and to mold you into the women you are meant to be.  One day, you will meet the guy that God intended for you to marry and the wait will be worth it.  

Pray often, read your Bible, and find someone to keep you accountable.  Every single day, take a break to have quiet time with God.  Talk to Him, like you are talking to your best friend.  Tell Him about the things that make you happy and what worries you.  Use the Bible as a way to hear God's guiding words for your life.  Show compassion for others, always give grace and mercy, and love Him and His people.  Find someone to keep you accountable for these things.  Be honest with this accountability partner and allow them to call you out when you have fallen short.

It is your life.  God has given you a life and you are the only one that can live this life.  Don't allow others to dictate your life, make decisions based on how you feel and what you need.  Create a life that you love and live it.  The decisions you make and the life you live will make others unhappy at times and they may disagree with you.  Don't let others write your story and determine your happiness.

Savor life.
Remember the past, but live for the present.
Worry less and laugh more.
Embrace grace and give it.
Live the story that God has written for you.




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