Confessions of a Single Lady

As I'm approaching my 27th birthday, I'm consistently reminded that I'm not getting any younger.  My body can't do all the things it once was able to do and I ache when I wake up in the morning.  I can no longer pull those all nighters.  I rather spend more time at home on a Friday night, then out on the town.  As I browse my Facebook timeline, it become even more apparent for many who are my age, life is no longer young and carefree.  The profiles of my high school and college friends are filled with engagement pictures, wedding announcements, and the birth of a new child.  And here I am, single.

I hate the question, "Are you dating or married?" and I hate even more the look I get when I explain to people that I'm single.  Apparently at my age, I'm suppose to be one step closer to settling down and being in a relationship has become a must at this point in my life.

It's not that I don't want to be in a serious relationship right now.  If a dreamy man did come and sweep me off of my feet, I wouldn't be one bit upset about it.  It's just I'm not going out searching and chasing for a relationship.

I am secure in the belief that I am right where I belong, right now for a reason.  God is using this time of singleness to speak to me, prepare my heart, and ultimately draw me closer to Him.  Though I hope to one day fall in love and get married, I understand right now that God has gifted me with the gift of being single.

Relationships and marriage take a lot of work.  My parents have provided me with the perfect example of what marriage and a relationship should look like.  As I watch them work through the struggles and victories of life together, I have discovered that being in a relationship takes time and energy.  Time and energy are low on my list of things that are available these days.  As I work and finish school in hopes of being in my dream job, I'm left with little time for anything else.  I believe God has provided me with time that is free of relationship commitments to devote energy into a job I love and an educational program that will teach me so much for my future profession.  There are so many things that I would be unable to devote time and energy to if I was in a relationship.

I have also come to the realization that God is using this time to prepare my heart for my future spouse. He is allowing me time to pray for him and to pray for guidance and wisdom on how to be ready to be a godly mate when we do meet.  He is showing me what I want in a spouse and the importance of finding someone who loves the Lord with all their heart.

I have been reminded that my life does not begin when I meet my soulmate and start my happily ever after.  Rather, I have a life to live here right now.  This season of singleness in my life is devoted to bringing glory to God.  I'm being reminded that singleness is a gift, that shouldn't be wished away, rather I should embrace it and allow God to use it to change me and to help me impact those around me.

Yes, I'm single.  Yes, I want to get married.  I won't be signing up for eHarmony anytime soon, rather I'm using this unique time to experience growth and to fall more in love with the Lord.

"I would like you to be free from concern...An unmarried women is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.  But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world.  I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." --1 Corinthians 7:33-35


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