
That Time I Was Like Elijah

There was a time, I was like Elijah... God promised Elijah that he would send the rain. In the midst of a three year drought there was a promise of rain...even though it was no where in sight.  Elijah sent his servant out to look for a sign that indicated rain was on the way.  He didn't find anything and returned back.  Elijah sent him again and again.  I can imagine that by the fourth time he went to look for the rain, he was frustrated, was mad at Elijah for making him go, and expected to find nothing.  But on the seventh time when he went out searching for the rain, he found a little cloud developing in the distance. 1 Kings 18:41-45 Then Elijah said to Ahab, "Go get something to eat and drink, for I hear a mighty rainstorm coming!"  So Ahab went to eat and drink.  But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees.  Then he said to his servant, "Go and look out towards the...

Dear Teenage Self

This post is for all those teenagers out there... With my birthday one day away, I have been very reflected lately.  I'm getting ready to turn 27.  Though at the age of 27, I am no were near wise, I do have a better understanding of life.  These are some of the things I wish I had a better understanding of ten years ago.  Hopefully, what God has taught me these past ten years, will in return help someone else along their journey. Dear Teenage Self, You're 17.  Freedom arrived in the form of a plastic card and a pair of car keys last year.  You just graduated from high school and your current worry is signing up for your first semester of college.  You have a group of friends that keep you laughing and most Friday nights are spent hanging out at the local IGA parking lot.  As you already know, small town life is interesting and dull all at the same time.  Regardless, you love the little bubble you live in and as you have prepared f...

Why I Left the Classroom Behind...

46% of new teachers don't make it past five years in the profession.  Hearing that statistic for the first time, I was determined that it would not happen to me.  Here I am, almost five years later and I'm part of the nearly half that don't make it to tenure.  Though it is such a disheartening statistic, I don't view it as my downfall. This is my story of why I left the classroom behind... Often on a daily basis, I'm asked if I miss teaching.  It has become a difficult question for me to answer.  It is not black and white.  I simply can't answer yes or no.  There are so many aspects of the teaching profession that I'm so glad to leave behind.  ...and then there are those days that I miss the classroom immensely. I will never miss the endless mounds of paperwork that teachers are forced to complete on a daily basis.  I don't miss the late hours spent grading 60+ papers.  I'm not one bit sad to leave behind the stress of lesson...

The Cross and the Empty Tomb

Over 2000 years ago the greatest gift was given at calvary on the cross. As we are nearing the end of Holy week and approaching Easter Sunday, I am reminded of the cross that was used to sacrifice the Son of God,  the tomb that was filled, but later found empty and the amazing Savior I serve.  I become overwhelmed when I think about the gift that was given to all of humanity, the price that was paid for MY sins, and how this moment in history changed my life and my future forever. 
Jesus, who proclaimed himself as the Son of God and the Messiah, was a sinless man.  He lived a perfect life reflected by love.  On what we now know as Good Friday, Jesus was betrayed and the crowds started to turn shouting for his crucifixion.   He was beaten, ridiculed, and made to carry His own cross through the crowds.  The one that was once know as the Son of God and King of the Jews was now viewed and treated like a criminal.  As He was nailed to...

Confessions of a Single Lady

As I'm approaching my 27th birthday, I'm consistently reminded that I'm not getting any younger.  My body can't do all the things it once was able to do and I ache when I wake up in the morning.  I can no longer pull those all nighters.  I rather spend more time at home on a Friday night, then out on the town.  As I browse my Facebook timeline, it become even more apparent for many who are my age, life is no longer young and carefree.  The profiles of my high school and college friends are filled with engagement pictures, wedding announcements, and the birth of a new child.  And here I am, single. I hate the question, "Are you dating or married?" and I hate even more the look I get when I explain to people that I'm single.  Apparently at my age, I'm suppose to be one step closer to settling down and being in a relationship has become a must at this point in my life. It's not that I don't want to be in a serious relationship right now.  If...

My March Madness

I have spent all my life living in Kentucky and if there is one thing we know here, it is basketball!  And along with basketball comes MARCH MADNESS!  March is one big holiday celebration in this part of the country.  We all know that Kentucky is home of the greatest college rivalry, some of the best players, and what I believe to be is the greatest basketball team in the nation, The University of Kentucky. ...but this post is not about my love for the CATS.  Now, don't get me wrong!  I love me some Big Blue Nation and the fact that the Wildcats are still dancing this March.  I will watch every nail bitter with excitement and hope that we bring home number nine soon! Rather this post is about how God smacked me upside the head last night at the end of the biggest game of the year. You see, I spent most of this week nervous and anxious for the big game.  I talked about it to just about everyone I came into contact with, because let's fac...

Little Bits of Good...Overwhelming the World

I don't know about you, but I often find myself simply going through the mundane routine of each day and wondering what difference I'm making in this world. My heart longs to be the hands and feet of Christ, but I so often get caught up in this thing we call life.  I'm often left feeling like I'm falling short of being the light that I'm called to be. I watch others abandon their homes to live in third world countries to spread Christ to the nations.  I see individuals set up organizations and create movements that minister to those in times of trouble.  I  watch as others so openly and without hesitation share the love of Christ.  And in those moments I start to doubt myself and what I'm doing to enhance the kingdom of God. Sometimes, I feel that the work I'm doing seems to be so little in comparison to others.   I start to doubt my faith, my love for Christ, and the desire to truly do what it takes to bring people to Him.  And in those moments, G...